by Karmel | Feb 20, 2015 | Newborns
I first met Will in my Wamberal studio a while back now when he came in for his newborn photography session! He was such a gorgeous newborn, I bet he has grown so much now!
by Karmel | Nov 19, 2014 | Newborns
Caleb came to the studio for his newborn photography session a little while ago. His mum had seen another saddle photograph I had done and loved the idea! Such a gorgeous baby!
by Karmel | Nov 18, 2014 | Newborns
I’m way behind on blogging all the beautiful babies I get to meet. Here is gorgeous Sian, perfect in every way and so sleepy!
by Karmel | Jun 3, 2014 | Newborns
I had the pleasure of photographing Lennox for his first professional newborn photography session! It was great to meet him after his Mum and Dad’s beach maternity photography session! I am always excited to meet the little babies and see what they look like, I...
by Karmel | May 14, 2014 | Newborns
I photographed this gorgeous mum Rachel and her boy Max a while ago now. He is the baby boy of a Central Coast Mariners player! Unfortunately his dad couldn’t make it to the photo session due to overseas work commitments. But Max’s grandmother was lucky...
by Karmel | Mar 20, 2014 | Newborns
I loved having this little boy in my studio, such a gorgeous newborn with all his hair and big eyes!